Actual info 29.12.

Tanvaldský Špičák:

Weather at 7:00: -1°C. 60 cm snow on slopes.

Ski area is open from 8:30 to 16:00hr - 1 chairlift and 5 skilifts and 7,8 km of slopes.

Nightskiing at Zalomený (Špičák 2) from 17.00 till 20.00 - tuesday and saturday.

Ski shool, rental and ski service are open.

Weather at 7:00: -3°C. 60 cm snow on slopes.

Skiarea is open from 9:00 to 16:00hr - 11 skilifts and 4,2 km of slopes.

Nightskiing daily till 31.12. at Arnika from 17.00 till 20.00.

Ski shool and rental are open.

Weather at 7:00: -2°C. 45 cm snow on slopes.

Skiarea is open from 9:00 to 16:00hr - 7 skilifts and 4,5 km slopes.

Nightskiing at Malinovka from 16.30 till 20.00 - monday, wednesday, friday and saturday.

Ski shool and rental are open.

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